Sunday, July 3, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Acupuncture experience~~
I would try everything to find a solution for my problem.
Through a recommendation from the friend, I have to turned my problem to this last resort of Chinese Acupuncture, hoping to easy my forever back pain.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Go Brazilian tonight!

Couple years ago when I traveled to Miami with family, our company's sales manager who is a Cuban worked there took us to one of the best Brazilian BBQ in town. We were curious and amazed by the variety of meat they were able to prepared and the way they served us right in front of your eye, we ended up eating more than our stomach can handle.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
By:Tom Rath & Donald O. Clifton
讚美會讓跌到的人努力再站起來, 批評會讓跌到的人繼續跌到, 而孤立卻會讓跌到的人不願再站起來。基本上當生存不再有意義的時候,人就會喪失了活下去的理由了。
負面情緒與態度只能將人的能力降低,不但減少了生產力也容易破壞人際關係。 記得剛出社會第1份工,因為是職場新鮮人,所以特別努力,經常超時加班, 但是當時的經理很機車,總是在我快要完成工作時又搬出新的, 還抱怨效率低,真的讓我懷疑自己的無能為力。當然在期待經理被炒魷魚的同時, 沒耐心的我已先求去,不顧經理的大力挽留,還讚賞我無怨無悔的作好交代的職務,但是太遲了。因為我的信心桶子裡的水已被舀光,必須在渴死前另尋水源.
如果機車經理這個正面態度的稱讚可以適時表達給勤勞的職工,被肯定的職工更有自信,而且“正向情緒會創造人際互動的連鎖效應”, 自己接受讚美與鼓勵的同時,也會學習讚美與鼓勵他人,大家也一定會盡心盡力的幫企業打拼,提高生產力,雙贏。幻想--我仍然忠誠的繼續服務同一機構,現在的我會有什麼樣的改變呢???可以是坐擁私人飛機的跨國集團董事長了吧。Possibility has no limit!
人真是健忘,忘了“己所不欲,勿施於人”。 我一直在做我孩子的機車經理而不自覺,想來也慚愧,完全沒有做到5句讚美,1句批評的“黃金比例” 相反,就有, + 10 句怒吼。真的, 我們用什麼樣的眼光看待孩子,孩子便將成什麼樣的人呀,對他負面,他就消沉,對他正面,他更積極。這是我最近才改變的態度, 卻也立即感受到孩子的轉變。也許他將是坐擁私人飛機的跨國集團董事長。這麼簡單的肯定對方就可以讓人恢復信心,每天開心,也促進人際關係, 雙方都得惠。
節錄這段句子自我提醒,“心若改變,你的態度跟著改變; 態度改變,你的習慣跟著改變;習慣改變,你的性格跟著改變;性格改變,你的人生跟著改變。” 在思索如何讓自己的桶子的水加滿前,應該先去給他人加水先,而不是把水舀光
Friday, June 17, 2011
You Can Heal Your Life

書名: 創造生命的奇蹟
You Can Heal Your Life (by: Louise L. Hay)
淺讀這本書時就發現它傳達了不只勵志,更有重建 與療愈的訊息。 以往接觸的多是勵志類書籍, 藉由讀它增強自己的信心, 的確也幫我在面對問題時不至躊躇不前。而這自己治療生命的concept 讓我好奇。 作者以自己悲慘的經歷為例,發現人生無常, 能幫助自己的不是別人, 而是自己。 靠著自己心態的轉變,積極對外探索, 藉由愛生命,愛自己,把人生過得完美。
我們經常覺得自己不夠好,來自各方負面批評的影響,另我們害怕犯錯而失去信心。 就像我常責備孩子做的不夠好,其實是期待孩子來滿足大人的要求。結果, 把孩子努力呈現他們完美的信心從此徹底毀了。 這種承襲幾世代,“應該如此”的教條,把人設限在逃不出的框,不知謀殺了多少創造。
很喜歡作者自勉與傳遞我們的訊息 “在我的生命中, 一切都是完美,完滿和完整的”, 初看下覺得有點誇張。 小時候一定會被逼交出第一名成績在說自己完美吧。習慣了看人臉色做努力後,我們不再相信自己, 認為怎麼做都不合理想,對未來也恐懼。東西方的思想真不同,我認識的老外朋友教我, 當別人讚美你的時候應該開心的說Thank You, 不要老是客套的說 NO, I am not that good. 讓聽者覺得臭屁又 無禮,明明就很棒幹嘛否認。 而且如果我們都不懂欣賞自己的所作所為,別人也不會認同你了。 我從那時起就訓練改變自己的思想,相信每個人都獨特也都有才能,好像 飛機的組成需要繁雜的不同零件,每一個零件都功能完美的牽動另一個,缺一不可,我就是那組成社會的缺一不可。
最近身體不太聽話, 反而讓我改變了思考和態度,把原來的精力從動態活動轉型靜態,更加充實了我的生活。 其實該說是我不太聽身體對我說的話,所以它以背痛傳遞訊息讓我安靜聽話,雖然我不確定我可不可以 自療它, 但是與其痛苦的怨天尤人, 不如快樂的與其共處。
有時會聽人說,“ 沒希望了,等待奇蹟出現吧!”,等待不如行動,奇蹟其實就在身邊,就看你什麼時間想打開它。
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Crystal's Graduation Episodes
Time fly, my daughter has grown into this well behalf, nice young little lady with good grades that make her mom and dad proud. Watching her every step since she was born, she has been trained to be the way I wanted her to be, it is time to let go, let her be who she really is and the way she wants to be from now on.
Episode #1 Ceremony
Episode #2 Party Time
I bet every girl all has this fantancy of being a princess once in their life time, even girl as town boy as Crystal. It's a magic that this pretty dress can transform a girl's mind , then her behavior and I guess our relationship. Give her something she will remember for life, and she can remember who's behind that Cinderalla story, too.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Girl's night out...

I haven't seen these new and old gym friends for such a long time , it was so exciting that we made this girl's night out finally happened.
We chose this date to this trendy wine bar restaurant suggested by a friend, apparently everyday they provide different theme to entertain customers, and Wednesday is the date for Salsa night, after dinner there are life band to perform in this restaurant and a dance instructor will be there to give Salsa lesson before we go crazy on the dance floor.
Some of us have never experience the night life after having kids, and now the kids are more independent , we should deserve a little fun time before we got too old to even think about it!
Food were excellent prepared, waitresses were friendly and the music made you just wanted to move your body. Loving it.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
String in Harmony
練琴中的小朋友,興奮寫在臉上,恨不得馬上就可以上台表演, 讓等待中的家長驕傲。 這些8 到 10 歲 的孩子,坐在古箏前顯得更小,但舉手投足間的鎮定應是讓另一群年輕的表演者羨慕不已。年輕人開始有自我意識,害怕不夠完美又擔心出槌,緊張的食不下嚥。 看著他們在這麼熱的禮堂,頂著濃妝不停的練習,心想如果是我女兒, 以往我應該也是坐在旁邊擠眉瞪眼的虎媽吧。學習到底是應該痛苦還是愉快的呢?
小小孩不費力使自己完美, 敢自由表達情感,學習當遊戲,追求的只是開心的過完今天, 忘了昨天,也不想明天,非常真誠的做現在的自己。而當我們年紀愈大,害怕失敗,計較成果,學習反到成為苦差事,總覺得是為做給別人看而努力。年紀和所在乎的事幾乎是成正比的,而越在乎越會另自己更不安,結果就是不能快樂的過自己想要的生活也就漸漸的失去了自己原本的信念了。
現在的我認為 完美,成功並不是學習所追求的結果,如何從學習得到體驗,進而達到完成,這中間經過的過程才是值得鼓勵的。只希忘在時間愈少的同時,自己和身邊的人能放下過去,不管未來,盡力且沒有壓力的完成想做的事。將來才不會後悔沒有放空自己快樂的享受每一個新體驗。
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
41 C Golfing experience~~~
I can understand how a proper set up is the fundamental of a good ball strike, these ladies all have perfect set up... but how I don't understand is why they also have finished swing the same way......er....amazing!!!!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Old friends
Friday, May 27, 2011
Spa @ Home

I was just not feeling right about my right ear 2 weeks ago, here comes a phone call from Lucy telling me she is coming over to make me “蠟燭耳朵”, I thought she is maybe making "貓耳朵“ the kind of noodle soup my dad used to make us when we were little. Turns out, she wants to ear candle me, it is a spa term for cleaning your body system through the ears, ahhhh, what an angel of her sensing my needs.
Read about a book stating "thinking of what you need, and it will eventually come to you"~~~~ I can't say I believe it, but it happened to me many times...
I was just not feeling right about my right ear 2 weeks ago, here comes a phone call from Lucy telling me she is coming over to make me “蠟燭耳朵”, I thought she is maybe making "貓耳朵“ the kind of noodle soup my dad used to make us when we were little. Turns out, she wants to ear candle me, it is a spa term for cleaning your body system through the ears, ahhhh, what an angel of her sensing my needs.
Read about a book stating "thinking of what you need, and it will eventually come to you"~~~~ I can't say I believe it, but it happened to me many times...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Distillery District

The Distillery District is a village of brick-lined streets and many of restored Victorian Industrial buildings. It’s one of Ontario’s hottest tourist attractions I just learned today , there are theatres, galleries, fashion, design and jewelry boutiques, unique coffee shops and restaurants. It's wonderful to spend a day with friends and family in this summer like day and close it up with a icy cold beer..ahhhhhhh..what a treat!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Golf Bond Head
Blue sky + cotton white cloud + green everwhere = Golf
Not wasting the good weather at all, 2nd day golfing on the road....
Don't know how many times I have been golfing at this same north course, but it's breathtaking view just hasn't got me bored of coming back again and again!
Not wasting the good weather at all, 2nd day golfing on the road....
Don't know how many times I have been golfing at this same north course, but it's breathtaking view just hasn't got me bored of coming back again and again!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hot stuffs~~

What a productive day for me, my other good far away neighbour Lucy knows my craving about hot stuffs, Today, she brings along ingredients not only show us how to make chili oil with spice as well as the spicy tofu salads that I admired so much she made last class.
It's super easy and yet taste so fresh....Now I know..to bring up the smell of the spice, we need to heat them up first and smash them to crunches before adding them to any dishes you wish..
Friday, May 13, 2011
Bendor and Gravens Tract - 81Hectares

Interesting hiking route at this tract, all about discovery.
Leader Kelvin is a very nice U of T professor who explains every question that we have during this 10km hike. The high rise stair like station was an observation desk for deer hunter in the hunting season at the past. And there are horse tail plants everywhere in this tract, they used to be sign for native people to identify the source of water.
We spotted a rare type of flower, it grows from bottom and lays on the ground, no idea what it's called, and lots of freshly bloomed ferns..reminds me of beer house food in Taiwan.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Cooking Italian
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Photoshop - element
Monday, May 9, 2011
Scout Tract - Eldred King
Today, I bring along a new fried to try out this usually slow pace of Monday hiking.....she almost cry during the journey. Who would know that the group leader was switched to Joan, this tiny old lady walks super fast, even athletic people like me were having difficulty catching her up.........
This friend called me the evening, complained about the pain that restrict her from doing everything, (omg, I crippled her) but thankful that I pushed her into this activity and were quite happy that she made her first step out doing something good to her health.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's day at Edwards Gardens
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This colder weather finally come to an end, bright sun and cool breeze make this mother's day weekend a perfect time to gather Friends and kids for a healthy outdoor activity. |

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Awesome flowers everywhere as you stroll along the trail, just can't stop photographing them, want to capture all that make you wooooah!!!! |
Thursday, May 5, 2011
1st game of the season~~
I have only 2 words to describe today's game...................Suck...........&..........Suck...........
haha, but I don't care, as long as I can still get up, walk out and breath... I will make golfing part of my life. I need to learn how to by pass the pain that bother me and enjoy the surrounding that bring me tremendous happiness. Tranquil, greens, friends, fun & embraced by nature... .I took the photo of the tree, because it so much looked like my spine in the X-ray, crooked.....
haha, but I don't care, as long as I can still get up, walk out and breath... I will make golfing part of my life. I need to learn how to by pass the pain that bother me and enjoy the surrounding that bring me tremendous happiness. Tranquil, greens, friends, fun & embraced by nature... .I took the photo of the tree, because it so much looked like my spine in the X-ray, crooked.....
Monday, May 2, 2011
Greener life....
People everywhere are making commitments to save energy in as many ways as they can, reduce waste and to provide a healthier environment. And we can all do this by living green. Living green is a concept that involves creating greener homes ; homes that make use of energy efficient appliances and various other energy efficient sources. We all need to take part of protecting our environment for future, as the natural resource will become scarce pretty soon if we don't care and not educate our younger generation about energy saving concepts.

Soap Making - Episo #2
After the lesson, we decided to make our own soap. Exciting and scary at the beginning, we covered ourself so well, not taking a chance to get poisoned. After few batches, we gain experience and it actually was not that dangerous as Vicki said... One litre of extra virgin olive oil can make about 40pcs of soaps, very cost effective, consider each pc of hand made soap priced at at least over $6.00 .
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Snooker table for sale

The entertainment center in our basement.....
This international standard snooker table came with the house at the time we purchased, looked cool and fancy, it is so big that kids like to get on it and roll the balls to the nets.
It's a shame that all these years we've never learned and played this game, wasted the good purpose of it's value, and it occupied most of the space that we were limited to take good use of the place. Reluctantly, we decided to get rid of it and make the entertainment center more usable for our family need. Taking these photos not just only showing to the potential buyers but also mark my memory of having own it for the past 10 years.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Walker Woods Glen Major Forest
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Hand made soap~~
This once a week photography lesson has expanded into many other forms of learning experience I did not expect at the first place. I found myself like a piece of dry sponge eagerly and quickly absorbing all kinds of information in short period of time. Every individual that I come across has her own unique way of teaching me something new in life, in fact, I am quite happy with the process of getting closer and attached with this group of friends. We share not only foods, thoughts,passion, interests but also lots of laughter.......Life is good!!! |
Kids came around and asked " can we have these CHEESE after you've done shooting?" This is how the hand made soap look like if we have time to finish during the class. Simple yet pretty!!! |
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Spring???? Winter stop by again.....
Woke up and looked out.....cloudy snow.... winter just didn't want to leave us yet.
Felt like the first day of snow when it could have been the last fall of the season, holding my cup of coffee walking in to the white, feeling peaceful, comfortable and beautiful....
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
17.3 KM~~~~Eldred King Woodlands
Another day of hiking the Canadian nature, we decided to challenge ourself for a faster and longer trail. A bit cool but after 30mins of fast pace walk, you are all set for this journey.
Nice about this activity is, you are surrounded with bunch of friendly hikers, pretty scenery, surprise finding and the most fresh air....guarantee a day of body and soul detox, and go home with good mood, lighter weight and tons of energy.
Monday, April 11, 2011
York Region Forest Hall Tract
This is the 1st time hiking experience for me being living in Canada for over 20 years, it is not totally brand new activity though, back in school time I used to join the mountain climbing club and conquered many many high and low mountains in Taiwan. I was motivated by this friend of mine who always complaint about her body pain, and she told me the pain were all gone shortly after she started hiking 

These pine trees are my height now, I will check back maybe 5 years from now to see how they turn out.
Striving flower in this early April, when some part of this trail still covered with icy snow |
The group's guard dog |
Group leaders~~~not me |
What a rejuvenating trip when hiking in this trail, you instantly let go of any negative thoughts, and let the beauty of the nature inspire your inner soul. Just wonderful.
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