LV 吃喝玩樂一年回顧

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


These days I become a good friend with 孔老吉,  I have been drinking the bitter juice he provided for days...Not to mention how bad the taste is, the whole kitchen is also filled with the mysterious aroma, kids have dinner with their nose plugged, or simply hold their breath for each bite..hahaha
Never ever thought to put a number to my age before... I guessed my body sent out this final notice in the form of siatica nerve pain 坐骨神經痛 trying to warn me to  linsten to it.   Because of this, I was restricted to many of my vigorus daily activities which I continued for many years...
At first, it frustrated me for that my rights of choosing what to go on with days were no longer the option,  so..I choose to live with it..

Then, to my surprise, I found, taking time easy was not bad at all....I have more time to sit back and trying out other interests which brought me tremendous fullfilment and happiness!!!



  1. 好點了嗎? 要不要親身去給張師父診斷? 我陪妳去~

  2. 謝啦,加上碧芬推薦做熱瑜伽和睡了兩天地毯。。。舒服多了。。下午又去抓了3帖。。幫我謝張中醫哦。
