LV 吃喝玩樂一年回顧

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

17.3 KM~~~~Eldred King Woodlands

Another day of hiking the Canadian nature, we decided to challenge ourself for a faster and longer trail.  A bit cool but after 30mins of fast pace walk, you are all set for this journey.
Nice about this activity is, you are surrounded with bunch of friendly hikers, pretty scenery, surprise finding and the most fresh air....guarantee a day of body and soul detox, and go home with good mood, lighter weight and tons of energy.
I started off happily chatting with other hikers, busy taking pictures the 1st 2 hours...then my legs were tired, tummy felt the 3rd hour, I so much wanted to go to Sandra's home who called in the middle of my journey invited me for noodle, but there were no way out...I was in the deepest part of woods.
No time chatting & picturing that might slow me down,  3 1/2 hours later...everyone else was asking how far were we to the parking lot....., hahaha, legs were already numbed, finally we saw some top of the cars, every body cheering...It's exactly 4 hours, 15+ km  hike as predicted.
Holly~~~~we often say " Time fly", but today..every minute seemed long.....I might have lost 2lbs from this trip (if I did not eat that bowl of noodle) ^-^

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